Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Best Work/Play Memories I've Ever Had

Thats's right - my time with B. Dalton '75 to '85 and Software etc. '85 to '88 were the best work years I had. Friends like Jeff Rogart keep me in their lives even today! Evelyn (I never called her EJ) have accepted my silly son's pictures year in and year out. And so many other friends are memories I cherish. Being a regional in "new places" like New Orleans and San Antonio. Coming home to NYC and being able to see the book business from the inside out. Being in Mpls for a start up, and a take over. Wow. I owe so much of what I am as a person, husband, parent and colleague to the relationships I had with so many of you.

Can't make it this time - hope to next time. My son who was born in Edina but remembers nothing, wants to see it again - maybe next summer. Hope I can catch up with many of you then.

Best to you all this weekend, and in your lives, always.

Mallard (the young one on the left)

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